Work on this little print progresses slowly. I have two blocks carved but
I think I'll need a little more drama than the oak grain from my last post might provide once I get to printing so I decided to try a different approach.

I mixed a little sumi with a little water and with a big, old housepainting brush I splashed and spattered the ink on several pieces of cardboard and paper.
Once I was happy with the variety of splashes, drops, drips and scatter, I let it dry then traced it onto .03mm acetate using a pen with a fine nib.

Then I transferred it onto the block using carbon/transfer paper using a sharpened pencil. This is going onto a cherry block as I want to retain some of the detail of the little droplets.
I started carving this tonight and it is going slowly.
I need to sharpen my tools since the hardness of the wood I can't really influence.
But sharper gouges and aisuki chisels will make things much easier.
I'll try to post a photo tomorrow of the block.
I am trying however to keep the subject a mystery until I finish the print.
So the photos will be cropped oddly to prevent guessing.
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